How To Install Cydia On IOS 8

Cydia is a well-known name, synonymous with jailbreaking the world over. It is Cydia that gives you the ability to customize your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. It is Cydia that gives you back control of your iOS device, allowing you to do what you want without restriction.
Cydia iOS 8 on iPhone :


There is only one way to get Cydia and that is to jailbreak your iOS device. The current jailbreak is for iOS 7.1.2, supplied by Chinese development team Pangu. Currently, both Pangu and evad3rs, responsible for the Evasi0n jailbreaks, are working on a new utility for iOS 8 and, with any luck, we should see one by the end of this year.
iOS 8 is Good Enough , So why Cydia on iOS 8 ?
Many people said this when iOS 7 was released but, instead of killing off jailbreaking that firmware prompted the most successful jailbreak to date and, with all the new features on iOS 7 and the iPhone 5S, a ton of brand new tweaks appeared in Cydia.
The same can be said of iOS 8. Despite the fact that Apple has taken yet more ideas from Cydia, they still retain that same control over you and your iOS device. That alone will be enough for the jailbreak app developers to get to work now.
Add to that the upgraded Touch ID on the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, the addition of an NFC chip, Apple Pay, new sensors for the Health App and Handoff for starters, and you have the makings of a brand new look to Cydia.
Image : Touch ID Bases Jailbreak app for Security Asphaleia

By the time the jailbreak is ready to be released, there should be a queue of tweaks waiting to get in, tweaks that will make what is already a great handset with iOS 8 even better. In the near future, we will be providing you with the means and the information needed to jailbreak iOS 8 and install Cydia.

source : site & forums